
(Residency by investment)

Portugal is a developed country with an advanced economy and high living standards; Portugal was impressively ranked nineteenth on the high quality of life global index rating. The 10 million plus population operates on the Euro and establishes a global presence in a variety of industries, especially a booming export sector.

Benefits of the Portugal Golden Visa

The Golden Visa for Portugal offers a wide range of benefits, such as:

  • You and your family members will enjoy visa-free travel to the Schengen Zone countries for up to 90 days in any 180-day period.
  • You don’t need to stay in Portugal full-time to renew the visa. You only need to stay for seven days every year for 5 years
  • If you chose to, you and your family members can live in Portugal and have access to its healthcare and education.
  • You can apply for a Portugal passport after 5 years. Since Portugal is part of the EU, a Portuguese passport will give you access to the EU free market as well as the freedom to travel to more than 100 countries around the world.
  • Live, work and study anywhere in the European Union
  • Fast processing time: 60 days (after investment)
  • Property can be sold after 5 years
  • Visa Free access to 170+ countries (UK; EU; Canada)
  • Ranked among the best countries for doing business
  • One of the highest GDP growth rates over the last 40 years

Eligibility to apply

To be eligible for a Golden Visa in Portugal, you must make one of the following investments:

  • Purchase a property worth at least €500,000. If you purchase in a low-density area, the investment amount is €400,000.
  • Invest €350,000 in a property in a Portuguese urban regeneration area. If you invest in a low-density area, the investment amount is €280,000. The project should qualify for investment by the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service – SEF.
  • Invest at least €350,000 in a qualifying Investment Fund. The investment options are regulated by the Portuguese CMVM (Securities Market Commission), and usually include venture capital investment in real estate or start-up tech companies.
  • Make a capital transfer of at least €1 million in a Portuguese bank account.
  • Purchase Company shares worth at least €1 million.
  • Invest at least €1 million in a company.
  • Create at least ten jobs for Portuguese nationals.
  • Invest at least €350,000 for the creation of a commercial company or to reinforce the share capital of a commercial company, through which you create at least five full-time jobs.
  • Make a capital transfer of at least €350,000 for research activities in science or technology by either public or private scientific research institutions.
  • Make a capital transfer of at least €250,000 to support the arts or reconstruction of national heritage.

Portugal Citizenship

After you receive a Golden Visa, you become eligible for citizenship after five years. Unlike other countries, you do not actually need to live in Portugal during that period to acquire citizenship via the Golden Visa route. You only need to spend seven to fourteen days per year in the country.

However, you will have to prove you have accommodation in Portugal, a steady income, as well as knowledge of the Portuguese language, at least on a basic level.

Important note: From July 2021, you will not qualify for a Golden Visa if you invest/purchase property in metropolitan or coastal cities such as Lisbon or Agrave, as the Portuguese government is hoping to increase foreign investment in low-density areas of the country.

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